Healesville Biggest Morning Tea is back

Anne Faulks (left) and Jenny Smith. Picture: STEWART CHAMBERS

By Dongyun Kwon

An annual fundraiser to support the Cancer Council is coming back to Healesville on Wednesday 22 May.

The Healesville Biggest Morning Tea was first organised nine years ago in collaboration with Tarrawarra CWA and Le Pine Funerals Healesville in honour of the past president of Tarrawarra CWA Maria Graham who was struggling with breast cancer back then.

Tarrawarra CWA president Anne Faulks said the event is a perfect fit for her organisation.

‘When we were approached by Jenny [Le Pine Funerals Healesville manager] about collaborating, it was perfect for us because it was something close to our heart,” she said.

“Maria was going through the cancer issue. We were there with her and supported her and her family.

“Within the branch, we call it Maria’s Morning Tea.”

The high morning tea event will have cakes, tea, coffee, games and raffles.

Le Pine Funerals Healesville manager Jenny Smith said there would be lots of prizes.

“People will get prizes from the games and lucky door prizes,” she said.

“Everyone goes home with something. We always make sure everyone gets something.”

The cakes will be made by Tarrawarra CWA while raffles and prizes will be prepared by Le Pine Funerals Healesville.

“Men are more than welcome to come too. It’s not just women’s morning,” Ms Faulks said.

The event will start at 10am.

For more information, please contact Ms Smith at 03 5962 4141.