Introduce Yarra Glen and District Men’s Shed

Yarra Glen and District Men’s Shed members. Picture: DONGYUN KWON

By Dongyun Kwon

It’s the best time for Yarra Glen and District Men’s Shed (YGDMS) to get the spotlight as National Volunteer Week is from 20 to 26 May.

The men’s shed aims to offer an environment where men can socialise informally and enjoy an atmosphere of mutual respect and friendship by working together on projects for the community, likewise other men’s sheds.

YGDMS president Tom Hardstaff said the main interest for YGDMS is to get guys together for their health.

“It’s good for them to come down, do something and talk to people instead of sitting home and looking at walls,” he said.

“They can do their own projects, making things down here and using all the machinery. That’s a very important thing for their mental health, keeping their brain working and body moving.”

YGDMS currently has 55 members.

“We’re trying to teach our members what tools to use, how to use them and the safety aspect of all the tools,” vice president Ken Kneeborn said.

YGDMS do some projects for the local community as well as personal projects.

“We had a Yering School project before Covid. We built a three metres by three metres shed for them and we had the kids come here to teach some wood skills. They still use it [the shed] today,” the vice president said.

“We just completed a little project for Yarra Glen Primary School. We made a TV cabinet for them,” the president said.

“There are quite often people just drop things they want to repair.”

Besides working on projects, YGDMS has some regular social events.

Every second Wednesday of the month, YGDMS has a free barbecue party for its members from 10am.

Guest speakers are invited to address the men on the last Wednesday of every month at the Catered Morning Tea with varied topics.

For more information, please contact YGDMS on 03 9730 2864 or via