Come down and feel the fellowship

BCDMS has about 50 members with good fellowship. (File: 412291)

By Dongyun Kwon

Badger Creek and District Men’s Shed (BCDMS) is inviting locals to its open day on Wednesday 4 September.

As part of Men’s Shed Week from 1 to 7 September, the BCDMS will host an open day under the theme of ‘Send him down to the shed’.

BCDMS president Alan Jones said the open day is to showcase what they do to the community.

“People will be able to have a look at our shed, some of the works we are doing, talk to the members and enjoy a cup of tea,” he said.

“We’re turning on a sausage sizzle around lunchtime.”

The shed will open from 10am to 2pm on the day.

The BCDMS has two workshops, a metal workshop and a wood workshop, on Monday and Wednesday and a photography workshop on Friday.

Whoever is interested in joining the BCDMS can sign up on the open day or any workshops.

Mr Jones said new members would be able to feel the fellowship.

“Here, we provide a safe environment for men to talk about whatever they want without being ostracised,” he said.

“Having this opportunity and having friendly people to discuss things help very much with mental health.”

The open day is open to everyone, and pre-booking is not required to attend the event.

The BCDMS is located at 360 Badger Creek Road, Badger Creek behind the Badger Creek CFA station and the Badger Creek Hall.