By Dongyun Kwon
The decision on Campbell Road, Crosley Street and Pilmer Road, Healesville Special Charge Scheme (SCS) has been deferred to the next Yarra Ranges Council (YRC) meeting.
YRC, at its meeting on 14 June 2022, considered a report relating to the proposed construction of Campbell Road, Crosley Street and Pilmer Road, Healesville to help address road maintenance, dust and stormwater runoff issues, and resolved to declare a special charge in accordance with the provisions of Section 163 of the Local Government Act 1989.
Prior to the declaration of the special charge, landowners were informed and consulted about the project, and they had opportunities to comment or object to the SCS throughout the statutory process which takes approximately six months to progress through.
However, after the declaration of the special charge and the VCAT appeals period had lapsed, the council received a joint letter signed by various landowners in Crosley Street raising objection to the inclusion of Crosley Street in the SCS.
Ryrie Ward councillor Fiona McAllister called for a deferral motion for this agenda.
Cr McAllister said there have been questions raised by councillors that need to be answered in more depth.
“There is a bit of history to this item,” she said.
“It is two years ago the second survey was conducted and there wasn’t majority community support, but the paperwork continued to show that that special charge scheme would be proceeding when, in fact, it’s not, and we need to resolve that.
“I’m asking we defer it [to the meeting on 10 September] and councillors’ questions being answered in advance of that meeting.”