Trekking with donkeys and mules

Pack Saddling Australia owner Jo Anne Kasch riding her mule Bobo. (Supplied)

By Dongyun Kwon

There are many different ways to enjoy the beautiful bushlands across the Yarra Valley, and here is one more way.

Pack Saddling Australia (PSA), a small boutique business in Narbethong, has hosted a three-day trekking with donkeys and mules for the first time.

PSA owner Jo Anne Kasch said the event was to promote trekking with pet animals as well as pack saddling.

“We started at Narbethong and we headed out for three days,” she said.

“We camped out in the bush for two nights.

“We went for a walk at donkey speed and we enjoyed the Australian bush, leading our pet donkeys.”

Four ladies and six donkeys from local rural areas and New South Wales participated in the trekking with Ms Kasch from 13 to 15 September.

They returned to Narbethong after reaching The Misty Mountain.

Two of the donkeys were miniatures sized below 10hh, and the tallest donkey was sized 14.2hh.

Some carried five kilogram loads while some carried up to 15 kilograms, consisting of tents, swags, meals and beverages.

“On day one, we walked about six kilometres, on day two, we aimed for 10 kilometres,” Ms Kasch said.

“On day three, we came back around to our property [Pack Saddling Australia’s property in Narbethong], which was about another six kilometres.”

PSA runs a free pack saddling workshop once a year.

“We teach people how to go pack saddling, how to load the loads, how to pack and balance the bags,”

“I just enjoy teaching and showing people how to do it.”

PSA will be at the 2025 Yarra Ranges Donkey Festival in Yarra Glen Racecourse as they will do a display and a presentation along with sponsoring one of the events.