Healesville Connect was established to help newcomers to town meet each other.
Last year, to celebrate their 4th birthday, they decided to hold a picnic for the whole town at Queens Park.
It was so successful, that the group did it again this year.
On 16 January, another Twilight Picnic was held between 5pm and 8pm.
It was very well attended and thoroughly enjoyed by all.
Due to the generosity of local businesses, Healesville Connect distributed over 300 sausages with onions in bread, as well as hundreds of ice creams and fruit for free.
The raffle took in $550 for the reopening of a toy library at the Healesville Library.
Because of the town’s amazing generosity, the group was able to have three hampers of local goods as prizes.
There was live music throughout the event and a program of novelty races, sack race, egg and spoon race, skipping, balancing, etc and horse rides.
The children and their parents loved it all.
As a result, a group of the Healesville Connect committee and their many helpers, including willing husbands and family members went home very tired but satisfied with a memorable event accomplished.
Healesville Connect thanked Yarra Ranges Council which sponsored the event through Monthly Grant.