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Liberals promise to restore reservoir park

If elected at the 24 November election, the Victorian Liberal Party has pledged $500,000 to return Maroondah Reservoir Park to its former glory. On 14...

Reservoir rendezvous

The state of the Maroondah Reservoir Park is such a sore point for many Healesville locals that the state Liberal party has pledged half...

Home delivery

 Carlee Tamme was born at Healesville Hospital. “I still see the same doctor that delivered me. He’s in Healesville too,” she said. She gave birth to...

Rio’s run done

 RIOS RUN DONE On 1 October Ryan Fowler ran out of Melbourne and stopped running 26 days and 1027 kilometres later in Sydney. In that time...

A new threat for berry growers

With the current agricultural focus on QFly activity, Yarra Valley growers have learnt about another serious threat, Spotted Wing Drosophila. At a seminar in Wandin...

Fleay’s clean bill of health

 The world’s oldest platypus celebrated her 25th birthday at Healesville Sanctuary. Fleay is bucking the trend, with most platypus only living to be 20 years...

Excursion cancelled following Bourke St attack

Healesville Primary School cancelled its grade 5/6 city camp on “advice from the Department of Education” in light of the terror attack in Bourke...

My piece of paradise

Steve Richards spent 15 years as a V8 Supercar driver and has won five Bathurst 1000s, so he knows a thing or two about...

Lilydale abloom with poppies

 More than 6000 poppies adorned the Lilydale Cenotaph and surrounds in Main Street ahead of Remembrance Day. Casey MP Tony Smith said Sharon Chuck and...

Pool preparation concerns

Bright green water captured running into Graceburn Creek in Healesville is nothing to worry about, says Yarra Ranges Council. Environment and engineering director Mark Varmalis...

Remembrance Day round-up

 With the Centenary of the Armistice, Remembrance Day services across the Yarra Valley held extra significance this year. MP for Casey Tony Smith spoke...

A place to remember

On Remembrance Day, Warburton RSL opened ‘The Peace Garden,’ situated at the riverside clubhouse. Garden designer and club treasurer, Coral Reynolds gained her inspiration from...


Dr Blair joins Mums of the Hills for online forum

Casey’s Federal Greens candidate, Dr Merran Blair, joined the Mums of the Hills for an online Candidate Forum on Sunday 2 March - an...