Child care centre

By Kath Gannaway
REMEMBER when little kids’ lives revolved around playing in the backyard, and their best friends were their brothers and sisters?
Clare Bowen, Robin Jones and Leanne Jonson remember it well, and as directors of the Yarra Glen Childcare Centre, they’ve embraced that philosophy with their open-age childcare model.
Clare, Robin and Leanne worked at the centre before purchasing it from founding owner June Bennett, 10 years ago.
They have made many improvements to the building resulting in more space and a whole range of new, modern, facilities for the children and the staff.
The open-plan design is an essential element of their multi-aged grouping – not the usual approach to childcare.
Robin explained that, within some limitations, the children mix at all age levels and have less structured activities during the day in the same way they would interact, play and learn at home.
“The children are allowed to go out, get dirty, ride their bikes, read books, paint and do all the natural, healthy things kids do,” Robin said.
“They are all together all day, they don’t have to sleep at set times, unless the parents request it or the child needs to, and they have all the activities available to them for the whole day.”
For siblings, open-age care provides opportunities to be together and for an only child there is the advantage of learning to share, care about and interact with children of other ages and to learn from the older children.
Another feature of the centre is the location of the kitchen in the middle of the building.
The food doesn’t just appear from some magical doorway; the children see it being prepared, smell it cooking and are comfortable enough to ask for more, if they want to.
Robin said the open-age model required a higher child-staff ratio, but that, with their passionate belief in the model, they wouldn’t have it any other way.
“All the children get to interact with all the staff throughout the day and that provides continuity and ultimately happier, more secure children,” Robin said.
The centre offers an excellent range of kindergarten activities but they also do a kinder run to the local pre-school and run before and after school care programs.
The centre caters for 45 children and there are currently vacancies each day.
Leanne, Clare and Robin invite people to drop in, have a chat and a look around and take the opportunity to compare.
The Yarra Glen Childcare Centre is at 43A Forest Street, Yarra Glen. Phone 9730 1442.