Rehab affair fuels fears


FEAR of the unknown is behind Warburton residents’ opposition to a drug rehabilitation centre moving into Warburton according to Narconon deputy executive director Andrew Cunningham.
In a ‘door stop’ interview by A Current Affair reporter Laura Francis last week, Mr Cunningham responded briefly to questions about Narconon’s connections to The Church of Scientology, and residents’ concerns about dangers Narconon clients might present if the centre was moved from its remote East Warburton location to the Green Gables site adjacent to Warburton Primary School.
A Current Affair ran the story speaking with residents including Kate Jakka of SayNoNarcononWarburton who are opposed to the relocation.
Ms Jakka questioned the premise of the planning permit currently with Yarra Ranges Council which describes Narconon as an education centre.
“They are calling them education centres, but in truth there’s no education to it; it is a drug rehabilitation centre,” she told Ms Francis.
“It’s really frustrating to be told these people coming off hard drugs and alcohol are going to be reasonable because, again, on their own website, they don’t describe them like that,” she said.
Mr Cunningham said residents were unfamiliar with what occurs at Narconon and consequently were afraid.
“They see other forms of rehab where they are giving out needles and giving out methodone, that’s not what we do here,” he said.
He said people attending Narconon were off drugs.
“We don’t have people here who are under the influence of any drugs, medicinal or otherwise.
“They have made that determination to get off drugs and they are off drugs when they are here,” he said.
Paul Jackson of SayNoNarcononWarburton told the Mail on Monday that while the ACA program addressed some concerns, there were more questions to be asked and answered.