By Jed Lanyon
The women of the Inner Wheel Club of Wandin will present their annual fashion parade at the Wandin North Hall on Friday 10 May at 7.30pm.
For 20 years the Inner Wheel Club has raised funds for the national project to cord blood research.
Jenny’s Shoppe in Monbulk has supported the Wandin Inner Wheel Club by providing a great range of fashion wear for the parades over the many years.
The contributions from the fashion parade have assisted in the national total of over two million dollars, which has led to 48 grants being awarded for research projects.
Secretary of Wandin’s Inner Wheel Club Pauline Barrett said she is looking forward to the annual event.
“This is our twentieth year of doing the fashion parade… I see it as a lot of hard and fun work for a good reward at the end. There is some satisfaction of knowing what we have achieved,” she said.
Ms Barrett estimates that the Inner Wheel Club has raised 40-50 thousand dollars in that time.
Ms Barrett said that she hopes this year’s fashion parade can help raise upwards of $5000.
Cord blood research is the national project for Inner Wheel Australia.
CellCare state that cord blood and cord tissue are rich in powerful stem cells and can only be collected at birth for potential future use.
Stem cells can be used now for medical treatments, and there is an expanding range of new therapies being researched that anticipate using cord blood and tissue in the future.
Tickets are $20 and include supper, tea and coffee.
Tickets can be purchased by contacting: 0427 031 007 or iiw.au.wandin@gmail.com