By Jed Lanyon
Cat Print Theatre Company presents their first theatre production S.S Farnland Avenue, playing at the Warburton Arts Centre on 17-19 May.
Director Claire Bamford is looking forward to enjoying Cat Print Theatre Company’s first theatre production since rebranding.
“We’ve formed a production team of 13 members and everyone has a task in the production itself from funding, publicity, props or wardrobe.
“We have completely altered the way we work. Previously we were called Cat Print Theatre Production and it was largely me producing shows and doing everything,” she said.
Ms Bamford said that the production is a comedy and a great lesson about what not to do in theatre.
“It’s an English farce play about some ladies who are putting on a play but they are not very good and they try their best but things don’t work out well for them.”
“It’s so much fun. All things considered, it’s a cheap night out and suitable for the whole family.”
“Watching live theatre is such a good experience… Our cast has been working for months and months to make this happen, so all we need now is an audience,” Ms Bamford said.
Cat Print Theatre Company has adopted the motto, ‘great local entertainment for the Valley, by the Valley’, as their entire team is based in the area.
“It’s local entertainment that you don’t have to travel into the city to see,” Ms Bamford said.
Ms Bamford is looking forward to enjoying the production as a spectator on the night.
“I love it when we turn up and there’s nothing left for me to do and it’s up to the cast and crew to put everything that they’ve practised into action.
“It’s terribly satisfying, I’m always so proud of turning the vision into a reality,” she said.
For bookings, visit: http://ach.yarraranges.vic.gov.au/ or call: 1300 368 000.