Get Active Kids vouchers now available

Families can get a boost in supporting their kids' sport with the voucher program. Picture: ON FILE

Eligible families for the Get Active Kids voucher program can apply for vouchers of up to $200 and use them at registered sporting clubs and activity providers without having to worry about upfront costs in the latest round.

The vouchers can be used to cover the costs of equipment, uniforms and memberships across a range of activities from club cricket to dance.

Minister for Community Sport Ros Spence said every kid deserves the chance to play the sport they love with their friends.

“This is about supporting them to do that, maybe for the first time,” she said.

“We’re making community sport more accessible so that more kids can join their friends at local pools and sporting clubs.”

Parents and carers of toddlers can also use the vouchers for learn-to-swim classes.

More than 58,000 vouchers have so far been issued across the first four rounds of the program with almost a quarter of the vouchers helping kids join a local sports club for the first time.

Importantly, 50 per cent of the recipients in the most recent round of the program indicated they would not have been able to participate in their chosen sport or activity without the voucher.

For children to be eligible, they must be aged 18 and under, a Victorian resident, named on a valid Commonwealth Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card and named on a valid Medicare Card at the time of application.

Clubs, associations and organisations can register anytime to be a Get Active Kids Voucher Activity Provider to be able to redeem the voucher from the Labor Government. Clubs and sporting organisations must be affiliated with a recognised State Sporting Association or equivalent governing body to be eligible.

A special consideration stream is also available to support children residing in Victorian Care Services, temporary or provisional visa holders, undocumented migrants and international students aged 18 and under at the time of application.

Applications for this round close at 5pm on 30 November 2022. Families can also continue to claim reimbursement for expenses already incurred prior to the opening of this round.

To apply or for more information visit