Victorian Kangaroo Alliance shocked by illegal kangaroo attacks

The Victorian Kangaroo Alliance urges the government to stop kangaroo cullings.

By Renee Wood

The Victorian Kangaroo Alliance has been shocked by the news two eastern grey kangaroo’s have been attacked by bow and arrows, but believes it stems from greater disrespect for the animal driven by the government allowed cullings.

President Alyssa Wormald said there’s two issues happening across the state – one being illegal, cruel attacks on kangaroos and the other is the state sanctioned cullings.

“In addition to disturbing acts of wanton cruelty, outer east wildlife rescuers are also finding kangaroos horrifically mutilated though Authority to Control Wildlife Permits and the so-called Kangaroo Harvesting Program,” she said.

Victorian landholders can manage kangaroo numbers either by applying for an Authority to Control Wildlife permit (ATCW), or accessing a professional harvester through the Kangaroo Harvesting Program (KHP).

The ATCW allows land managers to apply for permits to reduce animal numbers if wildlife are negatively impacting crops, pasture or infrastructure.

The Kangaroo Harvesting Program quota is calculated using aerial count data, population modelling and accounts for kangaroos that are controlled under the ATCW system.

Both programs are to limit the total take of kanagroos to less than 10 per cent of the population in any given year broken up into zones and DELWP closely monitors the total number of kangaroos taken throughout the year.

Caps are informed by best available science to ensure harvesting doesn’t impact a sustainable kangaroo population.

These options are something the Victorian Kangaroo Alliance disagrees with and say that it’s perpetuating greater violence towards the animal.

“I believe that the cruelty stems from disrespect coming from the top and that we need a societal overhaul to appreciate our wildlife, and really instil a sense of respect for the incredible creatures that we live with,” Ms Wormald said.

Ms Wormald believes there are other ways that can be investigated in order to live along side these animals.

“It’s affecting the way that they behave and their genetic integrity and all these different things. It’s a real worry, and we really feel that the government needs to make progressive change rapidly, because we’re running out of time.”