Yarra Range Tourism receives funds to investigate night time experiences

An artist impression of Maroondah Dam with projections onto the dam wall for a night time experience. PICTURE: SUPPLIED

By Renee Wood

Yarra Ranges Tourism has been successful in receiving a $200,000 grant from the State Government to investigate the opportunity to develop a unique twilight experience in the region.

The funding will go towards the delivery of a business case for ‘Light Up – Nature to Art’ project, which aims to encourage overnight stays and boost the visitor economy.

Two assets in the Yarra Ranges will be focussed on to discover the viability of producing an event or an experience at the location.

Healesville’s Maroondah Dam is one of the assets, with the business case to delve into the possibility of a night time experience at the site.

Yarra Ranges Tourism CEO Simon O’Callaghan said it’s an opportunity to pull a part modern day concepts.

“We’re not necessarily looking at any one idea, but certainly the idea of projection onto the dam wall would be amazing but equally, how else can we use the magnificent grounds of what is one of Melbourne’s significant water infrastructure pieces,” Mr O’Callaghan said.

The Ridgewalk which extends for 39 kilometres throughout the Dandenong Ranges is the other asset which will be investigated.

“It was primarily developed as a daytime experience and with all of its projected economic benefit and return, how might it actually work as a night time attraction for the Dandenong ranges.

“The key is that we can keep businesses open longer, so that they can support more jobs and create a more sustainable visitor economy in our local townships.”

The business case will further look at how how to integrate into the local economy, how to utilise assets and support natural environments, alternative operation business model opportunities and what new attractions that could be added.

“We really want to make sure that we do a strong deep dive and identify how we work with the other land management agencies in Melbourne Water, Parks Victoria Yarra Ranges Council and what that could look like for the future in terms of a visitor experience.”

Yarra Ranges Tourism has been working towards this idea over the past four years and is also contributing $50,000 to the project, which hopes to be a long term, ongoing attraction.

“There’s no fixed decision at this point in time and this is a way to do that in a thorough manner so that in the future, we can seek further funding to deliver it if the business case deems it to be a suitable attraction for the future.”

YRT is currently in the process of recruiting a consultant team for the business case and is eager to hold community consultation throughout the project.

“Opportunities for people to put their ideas on the table will exist as part of the process.”