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Fortitude through fires

Chum Creek Primary School reopened its doors on Monday 16 February, more than a week after the Black Saturday Fires devastated much of the...

Dixons Creek spreads Firestick message

In the aftermath of Black Saturday, a project was germinated at Dixons Creek Primary School that has helped school children across the Yarra Valley...

Fortitude through fires

The Steels Creek Community Centre is colloquially known as the heart of Steels Creek, and it’s actually the only ‘town’ building in Steels...

Emergency plan needs your input

Warburton Emergency Planning Group have organised a Drop In Session to gather input from the community to develop a plan for both before and...

It could have been worse

Yarra Glen Fire Brigade Captain Bill Boyd described 7 February 2009 as “a bad day”. “We lost 70 houses and 11 members of the community...

A true battler

As a boy, Les Dovaston spent weekends in Healesville and rode the steam train from Lilydale to Healesville with his uncle, the train’s fireman....

Flag’s symbolic return

“It’s symbolic of what’s gone on here in the last 10 years and that’s a resilient community rebuilding, rising out of the ashes.” The Australian...

It’s only 10 years

It’s hard to believe it’s been 10 years. I was a very young journo facing the biggest story of the area, and my career,...

Sanctuary under seige

 Gerry Ross remembers embers falling from a night-like sky into the Healesville Sanctuary grounds on Black Saturday. The sanctuary’s life sciences manager of animal health...

Donations still support

Financial support for communities impacted by the Black Saturday fires is continuing. In January, the 36 projects shared $555,963 through the Grants for Resilience and...

The GAP is back

One of the first visible signs of bushfire recovery is often a green shoot on a burnt trunk or new fronds on a tree...

The new Marysville

As you drive to Marysville along the Black Spur, there at first are no signs of the devastation that the ferocious 2009 bushfires inflicted...


Study estimates saving Australia’s priority species could cost as much as...

A new study from Griffith University’s Centre for Planetary Health and Food Security, with WWF-Australia and the University of Queensland, has estimated that preventing...